When you just can't decide what crystals to get from our extensive collection, grab a Bliss Box - a mystery box full of assorted crystal treasures - and be pleasantly surprised!
We will intuitively fill your box with High-Quality Crystal Treasures, at the price point you select! Your box will be a mixture of polished, rough, points, specimens, jewelry, spheres, tumble stones, palm stones, pebbles and more - at nearly half the retail price!
At checkout, you may enter your stone preferences into the note section - specifically for items you DON'T want to be included (types of crystals, shapes or colors of crystals). For example, if you don't want any jewelry, selenite or spheres. If you wish, you may then name your top 3 favorite crystals (no guarantees they will be included in your box). If you leave no notes in the notes section, the entire box will be intuitively selected.
Choose from 4 different Bliss Box price points (Free Shipping on $100 and over).